Wavelets and Subband Coding
Martin Vetterli
Jelena Kovaˇcevi ́c
The aim of the book is to present this unified view of wavelets and subband coding. It will be done from a signal processing perspective, but with sufficient background material such that people without signal processing knowledge will find it useful as well.
1 Wavelets, Filter Banks and Multiresolution Signal Processing
The modulation by complex exponentials in the Fourier transform is replaced by a scaling operation, and the notion of scale replaces that of frequency. In computer vision, multiresolution techniques have been used for various prob- lems, ranging from motion estimation to object recognition
2 Fundamentals of Signal Decompositions
2.1 Notations
Euler's formula states that for any real number x
exp(j * x) = cos(x) + j * sin(x)
where e is the base of the natural logarithm, j is the imaginary unit, When x=pi, Euler's formula evaluates to
exp( j * pi ) + 1 = 0
which is known as Euler's identity.This formula can be interpreted as saying that the function exp( j*φ ) is a unit complex number, i.e., it traces out the unit circle in the complex plane as φ ranges through the real numbers.
Often we deal with functions of a continuous variable, and a related sequence indexed by an integer (typically, the latter is a sampled version of the former).
We use parentheses around a continuous variable and brackets around a discrete one
x[n] = f(nT)
2.2 HilbertSpaces
2.4 Fourier Theory and Sampling
2.4.2 FourierTransform
The Fourier transform satisfies a number of properties,
2.4.3 Fourier Series
2.4.4 Dirac Function, Impulse Trains and Poisson Sum Formula
The Dirac function, which is a generalized function or distribution, is defined as a limit of rectangular functions. For example, if
The Fourier transform of δ(t − t0) is
Next, we introduce the train of Dirac functions spaced T > 0 apart,
It can be shown that
2.4.5 Sampling
2.6 Time-Frequency Representations
2.6.1 Frequency, Scale and Resolution
The analysis functions for the wavelet transform will be defined as
Thus, large a’s (a ≫ 1) correspond to long basis functions in time, and will identify long-term trends in the signal to be analyzed.
. 68
................ 76
2.6.2 UncertaintyPrinciple ...................... 79
2.6.3 Short-TimeFourierTransform ................. 81
2.6.4 WaveletTransform........................ 83
2.6.5 BlockTransforms......................... 83
2.6.6 Wigner-VilleDistribution .................... 84
2.A BoundedLinearOperatorsonHilbertSpaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.B ParametrizationofUnitaryMatrices .................. 86
2.B.1 GivensRotations......................... 87
2.B.2 HouseholderBuildingBlocks .................. 88
2.C ConvergenceandRegularityofFunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2.C.1 Convergence ........................... 89
2.C.2 Regularity............................. 90
Discrete-Time Bases and Filter Banks 97
3.1 SeriesExpansionsofDiscrete-TimeSignals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.1.1 Discrete-TimeFourierSeries ..................101
3.1.2 Haar Expansion of Discrete-Time Signals . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.1.3 SincExpansionofDiscrete-TimeSignals. . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.1.4 Discussion.............................110
3.2 Two-ChannelFilterBanks........................112
3.2.1 AnalysisofFilterBanks.....................113
3.2.2 ResultsonFilterBanks .....................123
3.2.3 Analysis and Design of Orthogonal FIR Filter Banks . . . . . 128
3.2.4 LinearPhaseFIRFilterBanks .................139
3.2.5 FilterBankswithIIRFilters ..................145
3.3 Tree-StructuredFilterBanks ......................148
3.3.1 Octave-Band Filter Bank and Discrete-Time Wavelet Series
3.3.2 Discrete-Time Wavelet Series and Its Properties . . . . . .
3.3.3 Multiresolution Interpretation of Octave-Band Filter Banks
3.3.4 General Tree-Structured Filter Banks and Wavelet Packets
. 150 . 154 . 158 . 161
3.4 MultichannelFilterBanks........................163
3.4.1 BlockandLappedOrthogonalTransforms. . . . . . . . . . . 163
3.4.2 AnalysisofMultichannelFilterBanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
3.4.3 ModulatedFilterBanks.....................173
3.5 PyramidsandOvercompleteExpansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
3.5.1 OversampledFilterBanks....................179
3.5.2 PyramidScheme.........................181
3.5.3 Overlap-Save/Add Convolution and Filter Bank Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
3.6 MultidimensionalFilterBanks .....................184
3.6.1 Analysis of Multidimensional Filter Banks . . . . . . . . . . . 185
3.6.2 Synthesis of Multidimensional Filter Banks . . . . . . . . . . 189
3.7 Transmultiplexers and Adaptive Filtering in Subbands . . . . . . . . 192
3.7.1 Synthesis of Signals and Transmultiplexers . . . . . . . . . . 192
3.7.2 AdaptiveFilteringinSubbands.................195
3.A LosslessSystems.............................196
3.A.1 Two-ChannelFactorizations...................197
3.A.2 MultichannelFactorizations...................198
3.B Sampling in Multiple Dimensions and Multirate Operations . . . . . 202
4 Series Expansions Using Wavelets and Modulated Bases 209
4.1 DefinitionoftheProblem ........................211
4.1.1 Series Expansions of Continuous-Time Signals . . . . . . . . . 211
4.1.2 Time and Frequency Resolution of Expansions . . . . . . . . 214
4.1.3 HaarExpansion .........................216
4.1.4 Discussion.............................221
4.2 MultiresolutionConceptandAnalysis .................222
4.2.1 Axiomatic Definition of Multiresolution Analysis . . . . . . . 223
4.2.2 ConstructionoftheWavelet...................226
4.2.3 ExamplesofMultiresolutionAnalyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
4.3 Construction of Wavelets Using Fourier Techniques . . . . . . . . . . 232
4.3.1 Meyer’sWavelet .........................233
4.3.2 Wavelet Bases for Piecewise Polynomial Spaces . . . . . . . . 238
4.4 Wavelets Derived from Iterated Filter Banks and Regularity . . . . . 246
4.4.1 HaarandSincCasesRevisited .................247
4.4.2 IteratedFilterBanks.......................252
4.4.3 Regularity.............................257
4.4.4 Daubechies’ Family of Regular Filters and Wavelets . . . . . 267
4.5 WaveletSeriesandItsProperties....................270
4.5.1 DefinitionandProperties ....................271
4.5.2 PropertiesofBasisFunctions..................276
4.5.3 Computation of the Wavelet Series and Mallat’s Algorithm . 280
4.6 GeneralizationsinOneDimension ...................282
4.6.1 BiorthogonalWavelets......................282
4.6.2 Recursive Filter Banks and Wavelets with Exponential Decay 288
4.6.3 Multichannel Filter Banks and Wavelet Packets . . . . . . . . 289
4.7 MultidimensionalWavelets .......................293
4.7.1 Multiresolution Analysis and Two-Scale Equation . .
4.7.2 Construction of Wavelets Using Iterated Filter Banks
4.7.3 Generalization of Haar Basis to Multiple Dimensions .
4.7.4 DesignofMultidimensionalWavelets..............298
4.8 LocalCosineBases............................300
4.8.1 RectangularWindow.......................302
4.8.2 SmoothWindow .........................303
4.8.3 GeneralWindow .........................304
4.A ProofofTheorem4.5...........................304
Continuous Wavelet and Short-Time Fourier Transforms and Frames 311
5.1 ContinuousWaveletTransform .....................313
5.1.1 AnalysisandSynthesis......................313
5.1.2 Properties.............................316
5.1.3 MorletWavelet..........................324
5.2 ContinuousShort-TimeFourierTransform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
5.2.1 Properties.............................325
5.2.2 Examples .............................327
5.3 Frames of Wavelet and Short-Time Fourier Transforms . . . . . . . . 328
5.3.1 Discretization of Continuous-Time Wavelet and Short-Time Fourier Transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
5.3.2 ReconstructioninFrames ....................332
5.3.3 FramesofWaveletsandSTFT .................337
5.3.4 Remarks..............................342
6 Algorithms and Complexity 347
6.1 ClassicResults ..............................348
6.1.1 FastConvolution.........................348
6.1.2 FastFourierTransformComputation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
6.1.3 Complexity of Multirate Discrete-Time Signal Processing . . 355
6.2 ComplexityofDiscreteBasesComputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
6.2.1 Two-ChannelFilterBanks....................360
6.2.2 Filter Bank Trees and Discrete-Time Wavelet Transforms . . 363
6.2.3 ParallelandModulatedFilterBanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
6.2.4 MultidimensionalFilterBanks .................368
6.3 ComplexityofWaveletSeriesComputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
6.3.1 ExpansionintoWaveletBases..................369
6.3.2 IteratedFilters..........................370
6.4 ComplexityofOvercompleteExpansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
7 Signal Compression and Subband Coding 383
7.1 Compression Systems Based on Linear Transforms . . . . . . . . . . 385
7.1.1 LinearTransformations .....................386
7.1.2 Quantization ...........................390
7.1.3 EntropyCoding .........................403
7.1.4 Discussion.............................407
7.2 SpeechandAudioCompression.....................407
7.2.1 SpeechCompression .......................407
7.2.2 High-QualityAudioCompression................408
7.2.3 Examples .............................412
7.3 ImageCompression............................414
7.3.1 Transform and Lapped Transform Coding of Images . . . . . 415
7.3.2 PyramidCodingofImages ...................421
7.3.3 SubbandandWaveletCodingofImages . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
7.3.4 Advanced Methods in Subband and Wavelet Compression . . 438
7.4 VideoCompression............................446
7.4.1 KeyProblemsinVideoCompression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
7.4.2 Motion-CompensatedVideoCoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
7.4.3 PyramidCodingofVideo ....................454
7.4.4 Subband Decompositions for Video Representation and Com- pression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Example: MPEG Video Compression Standard . . . . . . . . 463
7.4.5 JointSource-ChannelCoding ......................464
7.5.1 DigitalBroadcast.........................465
7.5.2 PacketVideo ...........................467