Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a Wireless PPPoE router


Configuration with pppoeconf

PPPoE package installation

To check if the PPPoE package is installed,

$ dpkg -s pppoeconf
Package: pppoeconf
Status: install ok installed

If the package is not installed,

sudo apt-get -y install pppoeconf
To configure the PPPoE,

sudo pppoeconf

The setting is saved in /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider

Manual connection control

  • check the PPPoE log
  • disconnect the current session
      sudo poff
  • dial up
      sudo pon dsl-provider

Exposing PPP Connections to the OS

In Ubuntu, interfaces maintained by the ifup and ifdown commands are defined in the /etc/network/interfaces file.

Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a Wireless Access Point

Setting up a Raspberry Pi as an access point in a standalone network (NAT)

Check your WiFi card

  • Get the name of your wifi card
  • ifconfig
  • check if “AP” mode is supported
  • iw list | grep AP
        Supported interface modes:
       * IBSS
       * managed
       * AP


  • hostapd
    • install
    • sudo apt-get install hostapd
    • configure
    • create the file /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf with the follow content:
      # Bit fields of allowed authentication algorithms:
      # bit 0 = Open System Authentication
      # bit 1 = Shared Key Authentication (requires WEP)
      # Enable WPA.
      # bit0 = WPA
      # bit1 = IEEE 802.11i/RSN (WPA2) (dot11RSNAEnabled)
      • 2.4 G
      • hw_mode=g
      • 5 G
      • beacon_int=50
      Finally, edit /etc/default/hostapd to have the line:
  • dnsmasq
  • A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
    • install
    • sudo apt-get install dnsmasq
    • Change /etc/dnsmasq.conf for DHCP mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses
    • interface=wlan0
      # dhcp分發ip的範圍,以及每個ip的租約時間
      #  DHCP requests on unknown leases from unknown hosts are not ignored.
      # 增加自定義hosts檔案位置
      We set ‘no-hosts’ to avoid including all the entries in your hosts file in the DNS server, and instead set a separate file that will configure the DNS mapping for the machine hosting the AP. Make sure to create the file /etc/hosts.dnsmasq with the name of your computer: gw.iot gw

Configure Network Manager to ignore test interfaces

Network Manager has a command line tool that can be used to see which interfaces it is controlling:
nmcli dev status

If you have network-manager configured to use your wifi card, you should disable auto-connect for all the wireless connections.
If Network Manager is not needed during testing, it can be shut off completely.
systemctl stop NetworkManager
Then, start it again:
systemctl start NetworkManager

Configure and restart network interface

  • Configure the WiFi to use static IP
  • sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
  • start dnsmasq
  • sudo service dnsmasq start
  • start hostapd
  • sudo systemctl unmask hostapd
    sudo systemctl enable hostapd
    sudo systemctl start hostapd
  • check if the services are running
  • sudo systemctl status hostapd
    sudo systemctl status dnsmasq
    sudo systemctl status dhcpd

Adding routing

  • Enable packet forwarding
  • To do it just this once, use
    sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
    To make it permanently , modify /etc/sysctl.conf as the following:
    This will be applied on reboot or when you run
    sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Adding IP masquerade

sudo iptables -t nat -A  POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Save the iptables rule permanently,
  • sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"
  • Edit /etc/rc.local and add this just above "exit 0" :
    iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat


  • check server's status
    • running
    • sudo systemctl status hostapd
      sudo systemctl status dnsmasq
    • disabled
    • sudo systemctl status dhcpd
      sudo systemctl status NetworkManager
  • forwarding
  • $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  • routing
  • $ route
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
    default         dlinkrouter         UG    202    0        0 eth0   U     202    0        0 eth0   U     303    0        0 wlan0
  • SSID is seen
  • WiFi STA can be assigned DHCP address
  • tail -f /var/log/syslog
    Oct 22 03:43:51 raspberrypi hostapd: wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 IEEE 802.11: associated
    Oct 22 03:43:51 raspberrypi hostapd: wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 RADIUS: starting accounting session F488B0C05B2285AD
    Oct 22 03:43:51 raspberrypi hostapd: wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA: pairwise key handshake completed (RSN)
    Oct 22 03:43:53 raspberrypi dnsmasq-dhcp[457]: DHCPREQUEST(wlan0) 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14
    Oct 22 03:43:53 raspberrypi dnsmasq-dhcp[457]: DHCPACK(wlan0) 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 Jerryteki-Air
    Oct 22 03:48:05 raspberrypi hostapd: wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
    sudo iw dev wlan0 station dump
  • WiFi STA can ping the LAN IP
  • WiFi STA can ping the WAN IP
  • WiFi STA can ping the WAN router's IP
  • WiFi STA can ping
  • WiFi STA can visit

WiFi debug

  • WiFi settings
  • Run the following to dump the failure reason on the foreground:
    $ sudo hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
    random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
    Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
    Failed to create interface mon.wlan0: -95 (Operation not supported)
    wlan0: AP-ENABLED
    wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA: pairwise key handshake completed (RSN)
    wlan0: WPA rekeying GTK
    WPA: group state machine entering state SETKEYS (VLAN-ID 0)
    GTK - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
    WPA: 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA_PTK_GROUP entering state REKEYNEGOTIATING
    wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA: sending 1/2 msg of Group Key Handshake
    WPA: Send EAPOL(version=2 secure=1 mic=1 ack=1 install=0 pairwise=0 kde_len=24 keyidx=2 encr=1)
    WPA: Replay Counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05
    Plaintext EAPOL-Key Key Data - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
    WPA: Use EAPOL-Key timeout of 500 ms (retry counter 1)
    wpa_group_setkeys: GKeyDoneStations=1
    wlan0: Event EAPOL_RX (24) received
    IEEE 802.1X: 99 bytes from 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14
       IEEE 802.1X: version=1 type=3 length=95
    WPA: Received EAPOL-Key from 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 key_info=0x302 type=2 key_data_length=0
    WPA: Received Key Nonce - hexdump(len=32): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    WPA: Received Replay Counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05
    wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA: received EAPOL-Key frame (2/2 Group)
    WPA: 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA_PTK_GROUP entering state REKEYESTABLISHED
    wlan0: STA 04:0c:ce:d4:c0:14 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
    WPA: group state machine entering state SETKEYSDONE (VLAN-ID 0)
    The following settings may cause failures:
    • country_code=
    • ht_capab=
    • auth_algs=
    • DHCP
    • Some STAs will disconnect if the DHCP IP is not assigned then associated again.
  • Regulatory Limit
  • If some frequencies are disabled, make sure your driver is set to use the right regulatory domain. You can check the conutry code and channel frequencies:
    iw reg get

Using the Raspberry Pi as an access point to share an internet connection (bridge)

One common use of the Raspberry Pi as an access point is to provide wireless connections to a wired Ethernet connection, so that anyone logged into the access point can access the internet. To do this, a 'bridge' needs to put in place between the wireless device and the Ethernet device on the access point Raspberry Pi.

Install the utilities

sudo apt install hostapd bridge-utils


iw is a new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices. It supports all new drivers that have been added to the kernel recently. The old tool iwconfig, which uses Wireless Extensions interface, is deprecated and it's strongly recommended to switch to iw and nl80211.
  • iw help
  • iw list
  • List device capabilities
  • iw dev wlan0 scan
  • Scanning
  • iw event
  • Listening to events:
    • iw event -f
    • to see the auth/assoc/deauth/disassoc frames
    • iw event -t
    • timing information
  • iw dev wlan0 link
  • Getting link status
  • iw dev wlan0 station dump
  • Getting station statistics
  • sudo iw dev wlan1 station get (peer-MAC-address)
  • to get specific statistics against a peer you station is communicating with


hostapd is a user space daemon for access point and authentication servers. It implements :
  • IEEE 802.11 access point management
  • IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticators, RADIUS client, EAP server
  • RADIUS authentication server
The current version supports Linux (Host AP, madwifi, mac80211-based drivers) and FreeBSD (net80211). hostapd is designed to be a "daemon" program that runs in the background and acts as the backend component controlling authentication. hostapd supports separate frontend programs and an example text-based frontend, hostapd_cli, is included with hostapd.


