Git: Practice
How to Checkout/Clone From a Specific Git Commit Id (SHA)
Important Note: Always keep a backup of your code with all the commit histories before performing any git activity that may change or reverse the code.Checkout From Specific Git Commit ID
Shows all commits that are in any of local branches but not in any of remote-tracking branches for origin :$ git log --branches --not --remotes=originGet the commit ID (SHA) that you want to checkout.
$ git logCopy the commit (SHA) id and checkout :
- The complete SHA ID
$ git checkout 28cd74decb47d8a5294eb59e793cb24a0f242e9e
$ git checkout 28cd74deAfer this checkout, it will be in the detached HEAD mode.
Meaning, you can play around with making the changes without impacting any branches.
If you want to make changes from the commit ID checkout, you need to create a new branch,
$ git checkout -b <new-branch-name> <commit-id-sha>This will retain everything from the commit ID to the <new-branch-name> .
Set Git HEAD to Specific Commit ID
If you want to revert your HEAD to a specific commit, perform a hard reset with the commit SHA after pulling the changes,$ git pull $ git reset --hard <COMMIT-SHA-ID>
Apply changes from one Git branch to another
In Git, there are several ways to integrate changes from one branch into another:- Merge branches
- Rebase branches
- Apply separate commits from one branch to another (cherry-pick)
- Apply separate changes from a commit
- Apply specific file to a branch
Merge branches
Merging your branch into master is the most common way to do this.Suppose you have created a feature branch to work on a specific task, and want to integrate the results of your work into the main code base after you have completed and tested your feature.
your teammates continue to commit their work to master: If the current branch is master, when you run$ git merge featurethe changes from your feature branch are integrated into the HEAD of the master branch. Then "git merge feature" will replay the changes made on the feature branch since it diverged from master (i.e., D) until its current commit (3) on top of master: If your working tree is clean (which means you have no uncommitted changes), and no conflicts occur between your feature branch and the target branch: Git creates a new commit (M) that is referred to as a merge commit that results from combining the changes from your feature branch and master from the point where the two branches diverged.
Rebase branches
When you rebase a branch onto another upstream branch, you apply the commits from the first branch on top of the HEAD commit in the upstream branch.git rebase [ <upstream> [<branch>]]Assume the following history exists and the current branch is "feature":
A---B---C feature / D---E---F---G masterEither of the following commands can do the rebase operation :
$ git rebase master $ git rebase master featureand results in the following:
A'--B'--C' feature / D---E---F---G master
Apply separate commits from one branch to another (cherry-pick)
Sometimes you only need to apply a single commit to a different branch instead of rebasing or merging an entire branch.This may be useful, for example,
- if you are working in a feature branch and want to integrate a hotfix from master that was committed after the two branches have diverged.
- if you may want to backport a fix to a previous release branch
Assume we have a repository with the following branch state:
a - b - c - d main \ e - f - g featureIf we wanted to use commit `f` in main:
- checko out to the target branch main
- pic up the desired commit from another branch feature
$ git checkout main
$ git cherry-pick f-hash
a - b - c - d - f main \ e - f - g feature
How to merge only specific commits from a pull request with git cherry-pick
How to use git cherry-pick
Git's cherry-pick command allows you to "cherry pick" only the commits you want from another branch.- Pull down the code locally.
- Get back into the branch you're going to merge into your branch. In general, you'll likely do merge commits from the master :
$ git checkout master
$ git cherry-pick commit-long-hash
Android: Source Control Tools
Working with Android code requires using both Git (an open-source version-control system) and Repo (a Google-built repository-management tool that runs on top of Git).Repo doesn’t replace Git, it only makes it easier to work with Git in the context of Android.
Repo uses manifest files to aggregate Git projects into the Android superproject.
In most situations, you can use Git instead of Repo, or mix Repo and Git commands to form complex commands.
However, using Repo for basic across-network operations makes your work much simpler. For more details on Repo, see the Repo Command Reference, Repo README
Gerrit is a web-based code review system for projects that use Git.
Gerrit encourages a more centralized use of Git by allowing all authorized users to submit changes, which are automatically merged if they pass code review.
Repo Command Reference
$ repo init -u url [options]This creates a .repo/ directory with Git repositories for the Repo source code and the standard Android manifest files.
- -u Specify a URL from which to retrieve a manifest repository.
- -m Select a manifest file within the repository.
- -b Specify a revision, that is, a particular manifest-branch.
The common manifest is found at
If no manifest name is selected, the default is default.xml.