Raspberry + Android
Raspberry Pi 3 Repository Has Been Added to Android Open Source Project
How to Build an Android TV Box With a Raspberry Pi
Android Things: Raspberry Pi 3
Supported hardware
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
- Broadcom BCM2837
- 1.2GHz quad-core ARM Cortex A53
- MicroSD card slot
- 3.5mm Analog Output
- 10/100 Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11n (2.4GHz), Bluetooth® 4.1
- 4x USB 2.0 Host
Developer Kits
Get started with kits
Flash Android Things
Before you begin flashing, you will need the following items in addition to your Raspberry Pi:
- Micro-USB cable
- Ethernet cable
- MicroSD card reader and 8 GB or larger microSD card
Getting AOSP
Customizing AOSP
creating a new Board Support Package
Device specific configuration is in:
Build the Code
Select the one you want with command lunch command
$ source build/envsetup.sh $ lunch [product]-eng
Base product is selected in device configuration by device.mk:
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)
Building AOSP
mWhen the build is over, you will find images in out/target/product/[product name]
Android runs on top of Linux, you need a Linux kernel with the Android kernel patches.
For Raspberry Pi, use Konsta’s kernel:
$ git clone https://github.com/lineage-rpi/android_kernel_brcm_rpi3 -b lineage-15.1 rpi3 $ cd rpi3 $ make lineageos_rpi3_defconfig $ make -j $(nproc) zImage $ make dtbs
Booting the Raspberry Pi
Most Android devices have a bootloader that supports the fastboot protocol for flashing and booting images.
Raspberry Pi does not have such a bootloader.
Therefore, we have to package the kernel and initial ramdisk and use Broadcom loader to start Linux
Boot Partition
The RPi boots from the first partition of the SD card:- Bootloader
bootcode.bin fixup.dat fixup_x.dat start.elf start_x.elf config.txt
cmdline.txt bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb overlays/ zImage
Raspberry Pi only has USB host ports, we can use ADB over Ethernet instead
$ adb connect Android.local connected to Android.local:5555