Learning iOS Programming: A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First iPhone Game

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
  • Download Xcode( including iOS 4.3 SDK )
  • Download source code: http://www.informit.com/content/images/9780321699428/downloads/LiOSGP.dmg 
Chapter 3

UIApplication: Every application must have exactly one instance of UIApplication (or a subclass of UIApplication). When an application is launched, the UIApplicationMain function is called; among its other tasks, this function creates a singleton UIApplication object. Thereafter you can access this object by invoking the sharedApplication class method.
UIApplication defines a delegate that must adopt the UIApplicationDelegate protocol and implement some of the protocol methods.

UIApplicationDelegate: The UIApplicationDelegate protocol declares methods that are implemented by the delegate of the singleton UIApplication object. These methods provide you with information about key events in an application’s execution such as when it finished launching, when it is about to be terminated, when memory is low, and when important changes occur. Implementing these methods gives you a chance to respond to these system events and respond appropriately.

